BirminghamEvening4 BirminghamEvening3

International Conference

Sharing to Inspire Language Education
across Europe: 2nd-5th October 2013

As part of the YELL2 project dissemination plan, an international conference was held in Birmingham UK at the ‘Conference Aston’ centre. Over the four days of the conference (2nd - 5th October 2013) almost eighty visitors attended some or all of the scheduled events.

The delivery of the conference was very much in line with the ‘sharing’ spirit of the original YELL project and the subsequent YELL2 project.

Eminent speakers, leaders and innovators from around Europe provided a wide range of presentations, activities and demonstrations designed to offer delegates a range of applicable methods and approaches to take back to their individual teaching and learning contexts.

With an enthusiastic response to delegate participation, sharing and mutual support, the event proved to be highly impacting in terms of the volume and quality of ideas shared, and highly impacting in the number of connections and friendships that were made in a relatively short space of time.

The YELL2 team would like to thank all of those that attended for their good humour, professionalism and general positivity throughout. Video slideshow available.

Link to Conference Exhibitors


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project number:
